Snow safety from your sofa

Bootpacking in the snow - WeMountain

Dominique Perret, founder of Swiss start-up WEMountain, on the backcountry training program that aims to revolutionize mountain and avalanche safety.

Ok, so tell us, what is WEMountain?
It is the first international backcountry safety training program. Combining online (E-Learning) and terrain-based (T-Learning) training, it caters to practitioners of all levels, from occasional off-piste skiers to experienced freeriders and ski tourers. We provide online learning to teach key basics of mountain and avalanche safety that can then be built upon once on the mountain.

How did the idea for WEMountain come about?
After a long and successful career as a freeride skier, I realized that I had lost more than 30 friends and colleagues in avalanches. It dawned on me that there was no program that taught the basics of snow safety in the same way that PADI had increased safety for diving. There are guides doing great jobs once you are on the mountain, but very few options for education before you get there, and that’s the reason why I co-founded WEMountain, blending education and technology with over 40 experts worldwide.

Dominique Perret
, founder of Swiss start-up WEMountain

What are the courses and how do they work?
We have two courses: the Off-Piste course is aimed at the intermediate-level skier who occasionally skis off-piste, while the Backcountry course is for advanced riders seeking next-level experiences. Our method is totally new and revolutionary; on the one hand because it mixes online learning and courses, and on the other because once the certificate has been successfully completed, our clients can build on their skills through field courses given by mountain guides or ski teachers who have received specific training. Our courses are 80% on avalanche prevention, 10% on how to react in a crisis, and 10% on how to carry out a correct rescue.

Is it really possible to prepare yourself online?
Online learning gives fantastic results because you learn when you want, in the comfort of your home, where it is warm and comfy, and you remember the theory well. There are no distractions. Our online lessons lead to a certificate, and participants can choose to validate these skills with a day on the snow, having already acquired theoretical skills. The Freeride World Tour is a good example. Here, we have some of the most experienced freeriders in the world, and the runs are secured, so there is little risk during competition – however, there have still been slides and scares. So, as a way to improve mountain safety, the FWT has now mandated that every competitor must be WEMountain certified.

Do you feel the mountains are safer now than ever?
No, in my eyes, the mountains are more dangerous these days, particularly because of climate change – there is more precipitation and greater temperature variations, which makes the snowpack more unstable. There are also a lot more skiers venturing off-piste, which puts pressure on people to take more risks to find great snow. Rescue equipment is more widely available than ever, but this can give people a false sense of security. Gear is good, but knowledge is vital; it’s necessary to have knowledge and the skills to be safe and avoid needing rescuing, or needing to rescue others, in the first place. The equipment is only rescue equipment – when you take it out of your bag, there has already been a tragedy.

Have the attitudes of skiers/tourists/wannabe freeriders evolved over the years?
The behavior of skiers has changed enormously. The equipment allows a non-experienced skier to have access to backcountry terrain. The ski lifts also allow easier and faster access, and with more participants, there are less-experienced skiers who follow tracks with no real idea of the danger or risks. We shouldn’t forget the effects of social media either, which pushes everyone to surpass themselves even more.

What’s the best thing about running WEMountain?
Setting up and managing a start-up is an exciting adventure. In addition to personal achievement, I see an extremely positive impact on society by reducing mountain accidents and saving lives. In this sense, it’s a privilege for me to be able to pursue my passion and make this sport safer.

What’s the greatest challenge?
To change the paradigm of first equipping yourself and then practicing the sport; we must convince people that they must start with the basics and learn by taking online courses before adventuring outside. Once you have the knowledge, equip yourself. Our goal is to build a new generation of riders who will be responsible, educated, and who will have even more fun and freedom in the mountains.

What message would you like to give to skiers?
I would like to tell them that the fate of the skier is decided before the avalanche, not during or after. It is therefore extremely important to work on prevention, take lessons, understand the terrain, the snow, the risks, and your abilities and limits – and then to train.

Fall Line readers get a special 20% discount on WEMountain’s online mountain safety courses:

  • The Off-Piste course (120 minutes) costs £55 (reduced from £69)
  • The Backcountry course (180 minutes) costs £79 (reduced from £99)

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