Behind the Brand | Boa

Al Morgan chats with Alois Badegruber, Vice President of Commercial EMEA at BOA®, to get the scoop on the new BOA® H+i1 dial and cable shell fit system.

Al Morgan: I can’t wait to get the lowdown on the new H+i1 system. But I have to say, it’s not the catchiest name…

Alois Badegruber: The BOA® Fit System is used across multiple categories, such as cycling, running, snowboarding, and alpine skiing. Although the components (dial, lace, and lace guides) are consistent, they are adapted to the specific needs of each sport. These systems are categorized into L (low), M (medium), and H (high) based on lace tension and stiffness, with the H+ series being the most powerful. The “i” signifies incremental release capability, and the “1” refers to it being the first version. We are continuously improving our products.

AM: The BOA® Fit System has been used in many sports, originally starting with snowboard boots. Why has it taken over 20 years to make its way onto alpine ski boot shells?

Image: Tom Klocker Photo

AB: In 2016, we initiated tests on alpine ski boots using the strongest BOA® Fit System available at the time (from snowboard boots). The results showed improved fit and performance, but we recognized the need for a stronger system for alpine skiing. Over the next five years, we conducted more than 50,000 hours of testing and development. In the winter of 2018/19, we tested prototypes, followed by extensive testing in our Denver Performance Fit Lab and on the slopes. The BOA® H+i1 for alpine ski boots is our most powerful, durable, and integrated platform to date, backed by the BOA® Lifetime Guarantee. For context, the dial can withstand over 3,000 openings, equivalent to two weeks of skiing across 20 seasons. If the dial pops out during a crash, it’s designed to be easily reattached.

AM: The system is impressive! I love the wrap-around fit, but I’ve had great success with four-clip boots for years. Why should someone opt for a BOA® boot over a regular four-clip boot, especially considering the BOA® version is more expensive?

AB: It’s a valid question. We understand some may have concerns due to the long history of buckles in ski boots. However, the BOA® Fit System represents a revolutionary step in ski boot construction. Four of our partners (Salomon, Fischer, K2, and Atomic) have introduced BOA® models, and this is just the beginning. We encourage people to try a BOA® ski boot in-store to experience the micro-adjustable precision fit firsthand.

AM: You can see in BOA®’s videos with Benni Raich that some of the early prototypes were applied to his Atomic race boots. Currently, BOA® is only applied to alpine and freeride boots. Do you foresee its use in ski racing?

AB: This is the question everyone is asking. While I can’t reveal details at this time, I can confirm that the BOA® Fit System is being tested with World Cup athletes. The anticipation is high, and we’re confident it will debut in ski racing soon. Our collaboration with elite athletes ensures that BOA® continually evolves to meet the demands of top-tier sports, and alpine ski racing will be no exception.

AM: Before we wrap up, what excites you most about this season?

AB: It’s thrilling to see how the entire ski industry, including retailers, is responding to the BOA® Fit System. Watching the development progress and finally seeing it on the slopes is incredibly satisfying. We hope for a great season full of snow and happy skiers! Beyond the tactile experience, the BOA® Fit System delivers real performance benefits: reducing peak pressure on the top of the foot, improving connection to the ski, enhancing edge control, and providing better heel lock for more confident turns.


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Image: Tom Klocker Photo